Quick tip: The symbols in your account list

There are a few symbols in your account list in the sidebar that can be helpful to pay attention to. Here’s a little primer:

  • A white dot to the left of an account name means there’s something in the account register to pay attention to. Typically it’s a transaction or transactions that need to be categorized or approved. Once you give the account its due attention, the white dot goes away.
  • A checkmark to the right of an account name means it’s linked for direct import and everything is fine.
  • A wrench to the right of an account name means it’s connected but delayed. Typically there’s nothing you need to do, unless you want to hurry things along by reauthorizing the account.
  • A key to the right of an account name indicates that the account needs to be reauthorized. Click on it to see what action you need to take to get it back on board.

I like to check my budget each morning and I always scan for the white dots and other symbols. It’s a quick way to keep my budget up to date without having to go through each account separately. I do try to look at and reconcile each account at least weekly even if there are no symbols!


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