Category: Rule Three

  • WAM Dos and Don’ts

    WAM Dos and Don’ts

    Rule Three: Roll with the Punches, encourages us to move money around among categories as necessary. Over in the wonderful YNAB Fans Facebook Group, participants refer to moving money from one category to another as WAMing (short for Whac-A-Mole). Covering overspending (either proactively or reactively) is an essential part of YNAB. But there are ways…

  • Cover overspending as it happens

    Cover overspending as it happens

    It’s the end of the month and it’s a good time to focus on whether you have any overspending in your budget before it turns over to a new month. Let’s face it. Overspending happens. The magic thing about YNAB is that you can overspend without breaking the budget by employing Rule Three: Roll with…

  • Look before you spend

    Look before you spend

    YNAB is a terrific money tracking tool. If you enter (or import) and categorize all your transactions, you’ll have a great record of your spending. And that can be very informative. But YNAB starts to become life changing when you actually change your behavior and start checking your budget before you make an expenditure. Notice…

  • YNAB Broke – it’s a thing

    YNAB Broke – it’s a thing

    After I’d been on YNAB for a year or more, I experienced the phenomenon known as “YNAB broke.” This happens when you have a bank account full of money — in my case more money than I’d ever had in my bank account — and still feel like you have no money to spend. YNAB…

  • How I paid a large tax bill without going into debt (thanks to YNAB)

    How I paid a large tax bill without going into debt (thanks to YNAB)

    On April 17, the day before the tax deadline, my CPA give me some bad news. We owed $8903 for federal, state and local taxes for 2022. In addition, I needed to pay $4900 in estimated taxes for the first quarter of 2023.